Practical Self-Care

Practical Self-Care

Addressing the mundane tasks in life can seem like a burdensome chore, but completing these tasks can help to prevent stress and ensure that your everyday life can run smoothly and without disruption.

Budgeting and Finance

Taking control of your finances and learning to manage your money can relieve many sources of financial stress. Create an accurate monthly budget and set your bills to autopay so they do not have to take up mental energy that can be better used elsewhere. Create a plan to pay down debts.

Emergency Fund

An emergency fund can give you financial security and ensure that you can handle an emergency and comfortably navigate a job loss with minimal stress. Your emergency fund should contain enough money to pay all of your bills for at least three to six months. It will likely take time to build up your savings. Setting financial goals and actively working towards them will benefit you in the long term.

Organize Your Home

Organizing your home can help you create a comfortable environment that will be relaxing and restful for you. Start with your kitchen pantry or a closet and work your way through the home over the course of a few weeks. As you organize each area, weed out items that can be thrown away or donated. This will help to declutter your space and make room for the new.

Personal Development

Personal development consists of activities that can help a person attain their potential and grow. Personal development may include learning a new language, practicing active listening skills, taking a public speaking class, learning conflict resolution, increasing willpower, or any other activity that challenges you and helps you step outside your comfort zone.

Professional Development

Professional development consists of activities that further your employability and career goals. Professional development activities may include:

  • Attending conferences or seminars.
  • Enrolling in training or certifications programs.
  • Improving job performance.
  • Joining professional organizations.
  • Expanding your professional network.

Taking the initiative and putting effort towards your professional development can show your work leadership that you are ready for increased responsibilities.

Recreation and Leisure

Recreational and leisure activities can help you to foster new friendships and find connections with your local community. Recreation can include:

  • Taking a class at your local rec center.
  • Volunteering for a food drive.
  • Joining a local sports league or theater troupe.

Leisure activities don’t involve as much dedication or effort, such as bowling, golfing, attending a show, or taking museum tours.

Tackling these and other practical self-care activities can help you become a well-rounded individual, enriching your life and creating stability. These tasks may feel overwhelming, but many can be learned via video tutorials, forums, and websites. Take on one area at a time, and once you have mastered a new skill or accomplished a goal, move on to the next.